Hey Referral Hunters!
You guys are doing a great job over here!
That’s why we’ve decided to make a new guide to help you get even more referrals and referral commissions as well. Let’s get right to it!
The core idea of referral hunting on YouTube is to get the most views of your message. We will give you a few pieces of advice on how to get it below:
Searching for the most relevant videos
There are two ways of finding just the right video to place your message:
🔹️ Try to go for hashtags in a search field:
You can use hashtags like #bitcoin #crypto #mining #doge #eth and any other crypto-related hashtag you can come up with.
🔹️ Standard search requests:
Type some crypto-related searches like bitcoin mining, crypto mining, bitcoin games, how to earn crypto and others. Be creative with your searches but keep it related to RollerCoin somehow.
Choosing the right video
There are a few tips on which video should be picked and why.In this example, we have found the video by #mining hashtag. As you can see in the picture, the video is not too old, and it has a lot of views, let’s click it!
There are few metrics which give an idea of how much engagement this video has:
🔹️ Views amount
🔹️ Likes
🔹️ Dislikes
The more numbers are there, the better. Even if the video has more dislikes than likes – it’s still good, because it means that people are reacting to this video a lot.
Leave a message after the tone
Now we have the best video so far, what’s next?
You go to the comment section and look for the most upvoted comments.
Read it first, and try to answer this exact comment with a Rollercoin mention. As you see on the picture – it’s not just straight SIGN UP ON ROLLERCOIN, but the answer to the original comment with a polite suggestion to try to play our game 😉
Also, you can create a new comment instead of answering the upvoted comment. This works pretty fine too, and you can do both actually.
Clickbait or you’re late!
🔹️ Your comment should be creative.
🔹️ It should be related to the video.
🔹️ It should NOT look like spam.
Best case scenario is when your comment gives a solution to the original comment or video. Before posting a comment, try to imagine that you are a random person on the internet, that looks to mine crypto and never heard of RollerCoin. Will you want to click on your own message in this case?
Insert your referral link and #RollerCoin hashtag somewhere in the comment, and you are ready to go!
Support the community
If you are on the referral hunting on YouTube and you see somebody placed a comment about RollerCoin – be sure to upvote it! Only together we can increase the reach of our message! Upvote your own comments too 😉
That’s pretty much all for now! If you have any suggestions on how to hunt for referrals better, or just need some assistance – feel free to get in touch!
With love,
RollerCoin team