We made the presale to give a new breath to RollerCoin and you helped us a lot. Thanks to everyone who participated already! You bought 640 000 / 1 mln RLT’s at the moment!
You all should know that the presale will be over in 1 day, it is basically the last chance to get RLT on the BEST PRICE and receive all the huge bonuses we still give:
Lifetime investor status, limited miners, locations, boosters, special items, and unique brand merch!
Don’t forget, that the names of Top Rollers will be placed on the Hall of Fame FOREVER! But be aware, If you are there already, you can be PUSHED OUT by other Rollers, it’s extremely sensitive until the presale is over! Less than 360 000 RLT is still available for purchase. You will need it for exclusive miners, locations and many other stuff we prepare for you!