We are honored to announce our special event – Top Contributors Contest. This event starts now and will only be active during RLT Pre-Sale that lasts until November 20, 2019. Everyone making a contribution to RollerCoin can participate. All you need is to get to the TOP 100 Contributors list. Pre-Sale bonuses will be increased for the even, however, due to high demand, we have to limit that amount of tokens allocated for Pre-Sale to leave some for the remaining faze of crowdfunding. So, long story short, let’s get straight to details and sweet prizes!

You can find the full list of contest rules and current rankings on the Top Contributors page .

Also, the token limit has changed:

1 000 000 RLT – the maximum amount allocated for Pre-Sale. P.S. Some of it has already been sold ;)The Contest is over when either the time runs out or 1 000 000 RLT is purchased – whatever happens first.